Common Rules Situations

A basic primer on what to do when you wish you hadn't done what you did.

RULES SITUATIONS                                                                       OPTIONS
  1.  Out of Bounds (white stake or white lines)                                    D
  2.  Lost  Ball                                                                                     D
  3.  Unplayable Lie                                                                          D E G
  4.  In Water Hazard (yellow stake or yellow line)                             C D H
  5.  In Lateral Water Hazard (red stakes or red lines)                      C D F H
  6.  Hitting the Wrong Ball                                                                J A
  7.  Grounding Club in Hazard (bunker, water, or lateral)                    A B
  8.  Giving or Asking for Advice                                                        A B
  9.  Immovable Obstruction Interferes with Swing or Stance               C  I
10. Ball on Cart Path                                                                         C  I
11. Ball or Stance in Ground Under Repair                                          C  I

  1. Loss of hole – Match Play
  2. Two strokes – Stroke Play
  3. Play the ball as it lies – No Penalty
  4. One stroke and distance – replay the ball as close as possible to where it was last hit.
  5. One stroke and drop the ball within two club lengths of where the ball lies, no closer to the hole.
  6. One stroke and drop the ball within two club lengths of where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard, no closer to the hole.
  7. One stroke and drop the ball as far back as desired on a line through where the ball lies and the flagstick.
  8. One stroke and drop the ball as far back as desired on a line through where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard and the flagstick.
  9. Drop within one club length of the nearest point of relief from the situation, no closer to the hole – no penalty.
  10. Two strokes – Stroke Play – Player must correct mistake.

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