WGA Classifications

Welcome to the GFCC Women’s Golf Association.  We hope that you will find friendship, camaraderie and spirited competition at a level of play that is comfortable for you.  Tournament schedules and league information are available in the Women’s locker room, on this website, or from any league officer.
There are four classifications of women golfers at GFCC.
  • A Nine Hole League which plays on Tuesday mornings.
  • An 18 Hole League which plays on Wednesday mornings or some afternoons.
  • “18 + 9” women who want to play in both groups.
  • Non-classified women who have a golf membership but do not play in a league.
It is very important to declare to the Business Office before May 1 which group you would like to be included in, since the fees are different for each group.
  • Every woman golfer pays a $50 Tournament Fee which is included in her Comprehensive Fee.  The Comprehensive Fee is billed over four months (January-April).  This allows every woman golfer to play in the Club and/or Senior Club Championships.
  • If a woman would like to play in the Nine Hole League, her $50 Tournament Fee will be transferred to the Nine Hole League.  This is the only fee for this league.
  • If a woman would like to play in the 18 Hole League, her $50 Tournament Fee will be given to the 18 Hole League.  She will also be billed an additional $85 in April for a total cost of $135.
  • If a woman chooses to play in both the 18 and 9 Hole Leagues, her total fee would be $185.  $50 is billed as part of the Comprehensive Fee and the additional $135 is billed in April.
  • If a woman is a non-classified golfer, her $50 Tournament Fee is divided between the 9 Hole League and the 18 Hole League - $25 to each.
The tournaments of the 9 and 18 hole leagues are arranged by the Pro Shop and volunteer committees.  We hope that every female golf participant has an opportunity to be involved in planning and implementing tournaments, as well as serving on a steering committee.  Maintaining a high quality of activities and programs relies on everyone working together and taking their turn.